seg., 01 de nov.
|São Paulo
Postal Artist Books _ Travelling Exhbition
We have already invitations to present the exhibition in some countries in the sequence: Colombia, Finland, Switzerland, Stonia, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Italy. We will actualize here the traveling details of the project.
Horário e local
01 de nov. de 2021, 11:00 – 11:05
São Paulo, SP, Brasil
Sobre o evento
Synopsis: Postal Artist Books is the exhibition of the collection of the artist books made in pairs by 72 artists from 36 countries enrolled in the Postal Artist Books Project, between the years 2020 and 2021, during the Covid-19 Pandemic. When the whole world stopped, people and especially artists had the chance to rethink their lives and the planet, they could be involved in an extraordinary and unique way in their creative processes, seeking answers and finding unexpected solutions. This project aimed to create an opportunity for artists around the world, to exchange experiences through the exchange of Artist Books, in this difficult access period. An international call was opened, with free registration to all artists interested in participating in the exchange project. Artists from any country were able to participate, and in particular, IAPMA member artists who correspond to 44 artists in the exhibition, some of them has joined IAPMA during the project. Each artist was assigned, through a draw, a partner from a different continent than his own. Thus, pairs started a joint work, where each artist produced an artist book to be completed by the partner. The books created by each artist were sent to the partner artist who completed it on the other side of the world and then sent it to us, in Brazil, for the organization of the exhibition. The distances were reduced, the books traveled where we could not go in the current circumstances, facing all the difficulties of closing borders, and post offices, and in the end, we have a beautiful collection of artist books, where each book made by two artists from distinct continents, carries with it a world of experiences and visions of this unique moment in which we are living. A precious collection that is now part of the International Artist Book Library, which is launched worldwide in this beautiful exhibition at the Oswald de Andrade Gallery in Sao Paulo Brazil. We have already invitations to present the exhibition in five more countries. We hope this project can reach many people and share the artist's experiences during this time! Angela Barbour Curator and IAPMA Exhibitions Coordinator The Project was idealized and curated by Ângela Barbour, the IAPMA Exhibitions Coordinator, organized by Ellora Ateliê, joined to PapelArte/ArtPaper Interchange Art Project and supported by IAPMA from the Call for Members Proposals.